Social Media
March 23, 2024
$100M Offers
Offer Guarantees: Using guarantees helps increase demand by reversing risk for the end-customer. Moreover, what makes a guarantee have power is a conditional statement. For example, ff you do not get X result (20 clients) in Y time period (first 30 days), we will Z (give you your money back). The strongest type of guarantee, however, is the personal service guarantee where you work one-on-one with the client, free of charge, until they reach X objective or result.
Fixed Supply: People want what they can’t have. Hence, it is best to leverage the fear of missing out on something as humans are far more motivated to take action to hoard a scarce resource than they are to act on something that could help them. This can be done by creatin scarcity/exclusiveness via the presence of a fixed supply of whatever you are providing. Compound it with a sense of urgency (limited time slots, for example) and sign ups/activations will shoot through the roof.
Fixed Price: Whenever trying to close a deal, never discount the main offer. It teaches your customers that your prices are negotiable (which is terrible). Adding bonuses to increase value to close the deal is far superior to cutting prices. It puts you in a position of strength and goodwill rather than weakness. Examples of bonuses are checklists, templates, files, webinars and anything else that would take lots of time and effort to create on one's own, but is easy to use once created. In addition, proactively negotiate group discounts and a referral commission with adjacent businesses that solve needs your customer will have as a result of beginning this process with you. What's the next natural thing they might want? Go to those businesses and get a deal for them they could never get for themselves (because you are negotiating with the purchasing power of all your customers at once, very powerful). It is interesting to note that the presence of valuable bonuses subconsciously communicates that the core offer must be even more valuable as these bonuses are secondary to the core offer.
Equation: Providing the best value to customers is only possible by increasing their dream outcome and perceived likelihood of achievement (the degree of certainty in achieving the goal) and decreasing the time delay (how long it will take to achieve the goal) and perceived effort/sacrifice (what needs to be done to get to the goal). In the domain of time delay, the shorter the distance between when a customer purchases a product/service and they receive value/the outcome, the more valuable your service/product is. However, there are two elements to this driver of value: long-term outcome and short-term experience. While the former is what customers ideally want, the many instant gratifications/fast wins that should occur along the way cannot be neglected as they get customers to stay long enough to reach their final goal.
Riches Are In The Niches: Focusing on a specific market segment, rather than a broad audience, can lead to greater success. By specializing in a niche, you face less competition, can become a trusted authority, and command higher prices for your targeted expertise. This allows you to build strong relationships with a dedicated customer base and achieve financial prosperity.
Starving Crowd: A starving crowd - such as a distressed business - is more susceptible to any offer when compared to a business with no desires/needs. Seek to identify a market that is in pain, has purchasing power, is easy to target and continuously growing.